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Processos de passaportes n.º 721 a 880 do livro de registo n.º 3455

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Date range
1925-07-28 Date is uncertain to 1925-08-08 Date is uncertain
Dimension and support
Governo Civil do Porto
Scope and content
Faltam os proc. 721; 722; 725 a 727; 734 a 738; 741 a 746; 750 a 757; 760; 761; 769; 771 a 779; 785 a 789; 790; 803 a 807; 813 a 815; 818; 840 a 843; 845; 846; 850; 851; 854; 855; 866 a 868; 879; 880
Ordenação cronológica
Physical location
Original numbering
Mç 2021; Mç 2022
Language of the material
Por (português)
Creation date
02/06/2014 10:03:43
Last modification
23/12/2020 15:50:57