Digital representation
Digital representation thumbnail
Available services

Registos de baptismos

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Date range
1602-07-18 Date is certain to 1688-09-21 Date is certain
Dimension and support
27x04x20 cm
1 Livros
Geographic name
Avintes - Vila Nova de Gaia
Physical location
Original numbering
Language of the material
por (português)
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Type of container
Alternative form available
Microfilmado (Bobina n.º 497): Possibilidade de imagens repetidas.
fls. 1 a 69 v.; fls 83 v. a 210 v.; fls 292 a 307 v.

Faltam-lhe as fls. 28, 80 a 82, 89, 144, 211, 285, 289 a 291, 339 e 365 a 367. Entre as fls. 344 e 345 existe uma fl. inumerada. Estão repetidas na numeração as fls. 190 a 198, 205, 235 e 257. Estão em branco as fls. 79 a 83, 120, 123 v., 176 v. e 177, 183, 190, 258 e 287 v. a 288 v.
Creation date
10/01/2013 00:00:00
Last modification
19/08/2015 12:56:27