Digital representation
Digital representation thumbnail
Available services

Registos de casamentos

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Date range
1729-11-09 Date is certain to 1806-03-30 Date is certain
Dimension and support
30x04x23 cm
1 Livros
60 Folhas
Geographic name
Bustelo - Amarante
Physical location
Original numbering
Language of the material
Por (português)
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Regular. As fls. foram numeradas de 1 a 201, faltando as fls. 55 a 96, 101 a 151 e 153 a 200 (vd. declaração de fls. 97)..
Type of container
Alternative form available
Microfilmado (Bobina nº 4)
Os termos de abertura e de encerramento, estão datados respectivamente de 1 e 4 de Fevereiro de 1730. As fls. foram numeradas e rubricadas "Coutinho". As fls. 1v, 31 e 97v a 100v estão em branco.
Creation date
11/06/2012 00:00:00
Last modification
20/08/2015 15:49:16