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Livro N.º 106 Entradas 1851

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1851-03-09 Date is certain to 1852-04-25 Date is certain
Dimension and support
34 x 23,50 x 7,50
1 Livros
415 Folhas
Scope and content
Encontram-se bilhetes de abandono nos seguintes fólios: fl. 62, fl. 73, fl. 81, fl. 135v., fl. 154, fl. 157, fl. 227, fl. 229, fl. 231, fl. 263v., fl. 278v., fl. 301, fl. 302v., fl. 320, fl. 332, fl. 340, fl. 344, fl. 362v., fl. 363, fl. 371, fl. 388.
Ordenação cronológica
Physical location
A/17/3/2 - 8
Language of the material
Por (português)
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Type of container
Creation date
27/12/2012 00:00:00
Last modification
20/07/2023 11:27:10