Available services

Vistos em passaportes, do n.º 609 ao n.º 907 do livro de registo n.º 3674

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1922-06-01 Date is certain to 1922-08-13 Date is certain
Dimension and support
276 proc.
Scope and content
Faltam os n.ºs: 610; 616; 625; 626; 627; 643, 675; 678 741; 744; 745; 783; 786; 788; 789; 793; 807; 808; 809; 822; 830; 878; 900.
Physical location
E/24/5/6 - 23
Language of the material
por (português)
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Creation date
12/04/2016 11:32:26
Last modification
02/04/2024 14:36:11